19 July 2017

Strawberry Nice Pops

I took a day trip to Wexford last week and picked up some Wexford strawberries on the way home. The punnet was huge so while I enjoyed some of them fresh I decided to make strawberry nice pops with the left overs.


Makes 6 pops (size will vary slightly between ice pop moulds)

200g fresh strawberries

1 frozen banana

100 mls almond milk

I always have a bag of frozen bananas in the freezer ready to whip up some nice cream but if you keep yours in the fruit bowl like a ‘normal’ person you’ll want to peel and freeze an organic banana.

Remove the green leaves from the strawberries.

Pop the frozen banana, strawberries and almond milk into a blender and blend until smooth.

Pour the mixture into your ice pop moulds.

Freeze for 3-4 hours until solid and enjoy!